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PandaCards Cost Saving Features
From speed dialing to PIN-less dialing and call forwarding, PandaCards come packed with features that maximize the power using your phone.
PIN-Less Dialing:
You can program a list of phone numbers from where your calls will originate and link them to your PIN. So when you make a call from any of these numbers, the system will not prompt you for a PIN. Another option: you can reset your PIN to be your originating phone number. An enhancement to the PIN-Less Dialing feature is you can add a brief security code that has to be punched in before the call processes.
The Benefit: Freedom from the hard-to-remember PIN. And added security so someone doesn’t use your minutes without your knowledge.
Speed Dialing:
Program in two-digit numbers to get quick access to the people you call — up to a total of 99.
The Benefit: Once connected to the PandaCards Network, you don’t have to spend the time to punch in a 10-digit phone number. You can quickly program these numbers via your account sign-in at the PandaCards website.
Multiple PINs from One Originating Number:
Register your origination phone number at the PandaCards website along with multiple PINs. Then, when you make a call, the system prompts you to enter a PIN number for each call.

The Benefit: Separate PINs help with tracking calls from different users. So roommates only
pay for the calls they actually make and calls to customers can be easily accounted for.

Serial Calling:
Once you finish a call, there’s no need to hang up in order to place another call.
Just press # for 2 seconds.
The Benefit: Saves time and helps you avoid Blackberry thumb!
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